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2018 Update: Since mid-2018, official accounts are available to foreign businesses from 100+ different countries and registration of a Chinese business entity is no longer required.In 2018, the platform reached a new milestone of over 800 million active users. WeChat’s platform is similar to Facebook and Instagram - users can communicate via messaging, share their photos and news on a public feed, but the WeChat's ecosystem goes much further with features, such as games, payments, third party integrations and other app services.Many Chinese-based companies have set up a WeChat Official Account (WeChat OA) to promote and advertise their brands, products and services on WeChat.Having a WeChat OA can help you reach out to your customers, enhance the public image of your company in the online Chinese market space and even directly do e-commerce through it. Our social media savvy team can assist you with starting and running a WeChat OA for your business.Get in touch with us to learn how we can help you open a WeChat OA that will take your business to a whole new level.
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Wecaht OA
Official account
Related Services
Wecaht OA
Official account

China's leading cloud hosting provider got you covered.

Aliyun or Alibaba cloud is the most complete cloud service provider in the Chinese market, comparable in quality to AWS which is used in international markets. Whatever cloud solution or service you need, they have it. From the basic cloud services to innovative and China specific solutions.

To host your website in China with this provider, you need to use the portal for the domestic Chinese market. You cannot host in China through their international "Alibaba cloud" portal. We can help set account and service up for you and get you and your team started quickly on Aliyun, employing some of the best practices we have developed over the years of working with and implementing Aliyun for our clients.

Some of their core services are:

  • Cloud server instances

  • Storage & CDN

  • Database services

  • Anti-DDOS & Firewalls

  • Domain name management

  • Analytics & Big Data

We know that every client is different and we can assist you with the set-up of your Aliyun account and services taking into consideration your individual needs.

Get in touch to discuss your project needs and see how we can provide worry-free implementation or migration.

Related Services
Wecaht OA
Official account

China's leading cloud hosting provider got you covered.

Aliyun or Alibaba cloud is the most complete cloud service provider in the Chinese market, comparable in quality to AWS which is used in international markets. Whatever cloud solution or service you need, they have it. From the basic cloud services to innovative and China specific solutions.

To host your website in China with this provider, you need to use the portal for the domestic Chinese market. You cannot host in China through their international "Alibaba cloud" portal. We can help set account and service up for you and get you and your team started quickly on Aliyun, employing some of the best practices we have developed over the years of working with and implementing Aliyun for our clients.

Some of their core services are:

  • Cloud server instances

  • Storage & CDN

  • Database services

  • Anti-DDOS & Firewalls

  • Domain name management

  • Analytics & Big Data

We know that every client is different and we can assist you with the set-up of your Aliyun account and services taking into consideration your individual needs.

Get in touch to discuss your project needs and see how we can provide worry-free implementation or migration.

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Tell us a little bit about yourself and your project.
WeChat Official Account
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